Major Activities of Dr. B R Ambedkar

Dr Ambedkar was a learned scholar, revolutionary and jurist who fought against untouchability and casteism. He upheld the rights of the Dalits and other socially backward classes throughout his life. He intended to integrate untouchables by providing education and exercise legal and political rights, into Indian society in modern ways. His movement provided an all-India organisation for rejection and bondage imposed upon the Dalits. He is also known as__:

  • Conducted mass campaigns, to a demand for separate electorates
  • The burning of the Manusmriti.
  • The breaking of caste restrictions like use of temples
  • Wearing of prohibited colour like red.

A major untouchability movement was launched by Ambedkar in the 1920s in Maharashtra, which had acquired an all-India character. In 1930s Ambedkar had concluded that the only way of improving the status of the untouchables was to renounce the Hindu religion. He gave the slogan “You have nothing to lose except your religion” and later he embraced Buddhism. He founded the Depressed Classes Institute (Bahishkat Hitkarini Sabha) in Bombay.  He propagated social equality between caste Hindus and untouchables.  Ambedkar as the major leader of the depressed classes organised the Independent Labour Party for protecting the interest of the labour classes.

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