Mahaparinirvana Divas: December 6

The death anniversary of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar, which falls on December 6, is dubbed as Mahaparinirvana Divas. On this day each year, millions of people throng to Dr Ambedkar’s Samadhi in Mumbai, which is called Chaitya bhoomi to pay respect to the father of Indian Constitution. This year, due to the on-going pandemic, the Maharashtra government has urged people to refrain from visiting this site and observe the day staying home.

What is Mahaparinirvan?

Mahaparinirvan is one of the major goals of Buddhism. It means ‘’Nirvana after death”. Parinirvan is written as Parinibbana in Pali. Pali language is native to Indian continent. The Buddhist text “Mahaparinibbana Sutta” considers the death of Lord Buddha at the age of 80 as the original Mahaparinirvan.

Why is Death anniversary of Dr Ambedkar celebrated on Mahaparinirvana Divas?

Dr Ambedkar died in a few days after completing his work “The Buddha and his Dhamma”. Also, he converted to Buddhism after studying the religion for years together. He converted to Buddhism on October 14, 1956 in Nagpur along with five lakh supporters. These supporters considered Dr Ambedkar as their Buddhist leader. Also, he was considered as a Buddhist guru for his contributions to the eradication of untouchability. Thus, Ambedkar’s death anniversary is marked as Mahaparinirvan Divas.

About Dr B R Ambedkar

Ambedkar is called the father of constitution of India. He was the first minister of law and Justice of independent India and is considered as the chief architect of the Constitution of India. He was an Indian economist, jurist, social reformer and politician. He inspired several dalit Buddhist movements and fought against social discrimination towards untouchables. He on doctor it’s in Economics from University of London and Columbia University.

In 1956, he converted to Buddhism and initiated mass conversions of the lips. He was awarded with the India’s highest civilian award, Bharat Ratna in 1990.



  1. Syrus Dev

    December 7, 2020 at 3:12 pm

    Dr. Ambedkar is also called “Modern Manu”.
    He was among the few dignitaries who participated all three Round Table conferences.

  2. Syrus Dev

    December 7, 2020 at 3:18 pm

    Dr. Ambedkar is also called “Modern Manu”.
    He was among the few dignitaries who participated in the all three Round Table conferences held between 1930-32.

    And finally during ‘Puna Pact’ his demand for separate constituency was agreed in the form of extra Seats for Assembly 1932.

    • Varun Kumar

      December 9, 2020 at 12:08 pm

      Though calling him “Modern Manu” will be absurd as he himself burnt
      “Manu smiriti” publicly which is quite controversial book in itself lacking every idea of modern world.


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