Madhya Pradesh Government to create an Adhyatmik Vibhag (Spiritual department)

The Government of Madhya Pradesh has announced setting up of a new Adhyatmik Vibhag (spiritual department). The proposed new department will be set up by merging several existing departments.
As per the tweet from the chief minister’s office of Madhya Pradesh Dharmik Nyas Evam Dharmasv Department (Religious Trust and Endowment Department), Anand Vibhag (Happiness Department) in addition to the Directorate of Religious Trust and Endowment, Madhya Pradesh Teerth Evam Mela Pradhikaran and Rajya Anand Sansthan would be merged to form the proposed Adhyatmik Vibhag (spiritual department).

Anand Vibhag (Happiness Department)

Madhya Pradesh had become the first state in the country to create Happiness Department. The government had also announced the setting up of the Happiness Institute.
Before announcing the creation of Happiness Department the state government had undertaken an in-depth study of the measures taken to assess the status of happiness among the citizens by the United Nations as well as the Government of Bhutan and America’s International Management Institute.


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