MacDonnell Commission 1901

The relief work organized for the Chhappania Kal tried to relive the people in the British provinces, but the way Government organized the relief was sufficient to make him unpopular. When the people were dying out of starvation and diseases, a MacDonnell Commission was appointed by Lord Curzon in 1901 which submitted its report in the same year. This commission came out with a “Moral Strategy”, distribution of advances and loans to the peasants and setting up a Famine Commissioner in the famine affected provinces.

  • The MacDonnell Commission was the famine commission appointed by Lord Curzon, after a long period of 20 years, when Lord Lytton had tried to formulate the general principles of dealing with such famines.

    During the period of Lord Lytton, a Strachey Commission of 1880 was created to develop a general strategy and principles to deal with the famines. The Strachey Commission came out with the recommendation on whose basis a Famine Code was developed. However, in due course of time, the Famine Code was forgotten and remained defunct till the next attack of famine occurred in India.

    The MacDonnell Commission also stressed the better transport facility, opening of agricultural banks etc. But this was not adequate and timely measure. The Punjab Land Alienation Act made him unpopular in North India.

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