Lunar New Year 2022: Year of Tiger

As per Chinese Zodiac, also called as “Shengxiao” we are assigned a powerful animal called Shuxiang, on the basis of year we are born.


Shuxiang is assigned on the basis of Luni-Solar calendar, which is having a close tie with Chinese Philosophy, including:

  1. Theory of three harmonies- heaven, earth, and water.
  2. Principles of Yin and Yang.
  3. Wuxing: five phases of the flow of elements – water, wood, fire, earth, and metal.
  4. Ten Heavenly Stems – Yin and Yang qualities of the Wuxing.
  5. Twelve Earthly Branches – The twelve Chinese animal signs.

History of Chinese Zodiac

Earliest records of Chinese astrology date back to the Zhou Dynasty during 1046 – 256 BCE. however, it flourished during Han Dynasty from 002 BCE to 002 AD. It was formalised and aligned with principles of Confucianism, traditional alchemical practices and Chinese Medicine.

Chinese Zodiac 2022: The Year of Tiger

Tigers are extremely competitive animals. They are known for their courage and ambitions. The Tiger year is all about making big changes, in world within us and world around us. Tiger years bring in an overall increase in enthusiasm.

Mantra of Tiger year

Ultimate mantra of the Tiger year is ‘YOLO’.

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is also called as Lunar New Year. It is the festival celebrating the beginning of new year on traditional lunisolar and solar Chinese calendar. In Chinese and other East Asian cultures, this festival is commonly called as Spring Festival. The festival marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring season. Its observances traditionally take place from New Year’s Eve. First day of Chinese New Year starts on new moon, appearing between January 21 and February 20.



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