Lord Elgin 1861-1863

Lord Canning left India in March, 1862, and died within a month in England. His successor was Lord Elgin. He had already served as Governor of Jamaica from 1842 to 1847 and the Governor General of Canada from 1847 to 1854. In 1857 he was sent as envoy to China to open a trade for the British.

  • He became viceroy and governor-general of India in 1862 but in the very next year, he died in Dharamasala of a heart attack while crossing a mountain bridge, there he lies buried.
  • Lord Elgin is known to have abandoned the pomp of the earlier Governor Generals and travelled by train. The Wahabis, a group of turbulent and fanatical Mohammedans in the northwest were suppressed during his time.

    He was succeeded by Sir William Denison, the governor of Madras, who became acting governor-general under the Act of 1861. Meanwhile the viceroyalty was offered to Sir John Lawrence, who had done wonders in Punjab earlier during and after the first as well as second Anglo Sikh War.

1 Comment

  1. kaustub

    May 13, 2022 at 3:03 pm

    can anyone tell the acts and reforms introduced by lord elgin till may 31 please.school will be reopening on june 1st.


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