Lok Sabha TV and Rajya Sabha TV merged into “Sansad TV”

The Parliament of India have merged two of the TV channels namely, Lok Sabha TV and Rajya Sabha TV into an integrated channel “Sansad TV”.


This new platform will continue to live telecast the house proceedings, pack news and the current affairs programme in Hindi as well as in English languages. The Rajya Sabha TV establishment is run from the rented public property near the Talkatora stadium. Now this establishment will be merged with the infrastructure of Lok Sabha TV in order to create a new entity. The former textiles secretary, Ravi Kapoor, has been appointed as the CEO of the Sansad Tv on a contract basis for a period of one year.


The proposal for the merger of two entities was put forward in 2019 by an expert committee headed by Prasar Bharati CEO Surya Prakash.

Aim of the Merger

The two entities have been merged into an integrated channel with the aim of cutting the costs, to streamline the management of the channel and to organise the content in order to make it more attractive for the viewers and advertisers. The Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha TV were profit-making entities. Both the channels bagged the advertisements primarily from the public sector giants and the central ministries.

About Sansad Tv

The Sansad TV will comprise of two platforms or channels and it will ensure smooth telecast of the live proceedings of both the Houses of Parliament. During the recess in Parliament, the channel will be given the two options viz., to run the current affairs channels in English & Hindi or to shut down one channel & run programmes on other. The new channel will have its office in a small bungalow at Mahadev Road.

Significance of the merger

The merger of the entities will be a major cost-saving exercise. With the merger, the Rajya Sabha Tv will shell out ₹10-12 crore on rent for its office and studio in the Talkatora Road.


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