Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 2011 – Recent Updates

The Consumer Affairs Ministry wants to change the Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 2011. The goal of the change is to require that important information about pre-packaged goods sold in stores that are bigger than 25 kilograms or 25 liters be made public. The goal of this move is to get rid of the current exemption for bulk packages and give customers more information.

Proposed Changes Explained

At the moment, important information like the maximum retail price (MRP), best before date, manufacturer information, and country of origin are not needed on bulk-packed things that are meant to be sold. The new plan supports putting this important information on all pre-packaged goods meant for retail, no matter how big or small they are. In this way, the government hopes to give people clear and easy-to-find information that will help them make smart buying choices.

Scope and Impact

The suggested rules would require all manufacturers, packers, and importers of pre-packaged goods that are going to stores to label them completely. Bear in mind that these changes will only affect markets for consumer goods. They will not affect markets for goods used in businesses or institutions. The business will probably have better rules after these rules are put in place. This could help avoid misunderstandings and legal problems.

Public Participation and Timeline

To make sure that everyone has a chance to be a part of this regulatory process, the Ministry has given the public until July 29 to comment on the planned change. With this method, stakeholders and the public can give their opinions and concerns, which could help make the proposed changes even better before they are finalized.

About Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules

India’s Legal Metrology Act of 2009 created the Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules. These rules say that pre-packaged goods must clearly show important details like the net quantity, the manufacturing date, the expiration date, the highest retail price, and information on how to contact the company for customer service. Online stores must make sure that the same information can be found on their sites. For added safety, these rules say that the statement on packages has to be clear and easy to read. It is against the rules to use non-standard units, and the rules require specific statements, like the name and address of the manufacturer, packer, and importer. People who break these rules may have to deal with fines and civil action. The rules also give customers the power to file complaints, which shows a dedication to openness and customer rights.



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