“Learning Science via Standards” Initiative: Important Facts

The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has launched a new initiative called “Learning Science via Standards” to help students in India understand the practical applications of scientific concepts. This initiative is part of BIS’s efforts to bridge the gap between theory and practice in science education and promote a culture of quality and standardization in the country.

Lesson Plans on Everyday Products

The “Learning Science via Standards” initiative provides lesson plans that focus on the practical applications of scientific concepts, principles, and laws in manufacturing, functioning, and testing the quality characteristics of different products. These lesson plans are aimed at helping students understand how to use scientific knowledge to solve real-world problems.

The subjects for the lesson plans are related to products used in day-to-day life and have been chosen based on their relevance to education as part of the course curriculum as well as to industrial applications. These lesson plans, which can be accessed on the BIS website, are delivered by BIS officials and resource personnel. They provide an interactive learning experience for the students.

Complements Standards Clubs Initiative

The “Learning Science via Standards” initiative complements the “Standards Clubs” initiative, which has already established more than 4,200 clubs in educational institutions across India. The Standards Clubs undertake student-centric activities such as debates, quizzes, competitions, and standards-writing competitions.

In addition, students are also taken for exposure visits to industries and laboratories to witness the various manufacturing and testing processes, as well as BIS offices, which have been developed as learning spaces. BIS provides financial support to these Clubs for undertaking up to three activities in a year.

Capacity Building for Students

The “Learning Science via Standards” initiative is expected to contribute towards the capacity building of students to engage successfully in a variety of economic sectors in the country. It will also serve as a means for the students of schools and colleges to appreciate the significance of quality and standards and empower them to boldly face the real-life situations in any of their future endeavors.


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