LANCET Report on Health and Climate Change, 2019

On November 13, 2019, the Lancet journal published report on “Health and Climate Change, 2019.” The Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change is a comprehensive yearly analysis that tracks the progress across 41 indicators. The project is a collaboration of 120 experts from premier institutions all over the world including WHO and World Bank.

Highlights of the report: India

  • In India, diarrheal infections were the major cause of child mortality
  • The average yield potential of rice and maize in the country declined by 2% since 1960s
  • The average yield potential of winter wheat and soybean has declined by 1%
  • Due to increased sea level, there will be rise in infections like gastroentitis, cholera, etc. The climate suitability for Vibro bacteria that causes Cholera will increase the disease by 3% as compared to 1980s
  • Malnutrition is the responsible for two-thirds of deaths under five

Highlights of the report: World

  • Climate Change threats to fisheries and aquaculture according to the report are as follows
    • Sea-level rise
    • Sea surface temperature rise
    • Ocean Acidification
    • Intense and Frequent extreme weather events
  • Mortality due to Dengue will increase globally
  • WBGT (Wet Bulb Globe Temperature measurement): WBGT is the measure of heat stress that takes into account humidity, temperature, wind speed, cloud cover and sun angle.
    • The report warned according to WBGT that 22 billion additional hours of work will be lost due to extreme heat.

The temperature rise will lead to productivity loss at 0.8 to 5%.


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