Lalit Kala Akademi

Lalit Kala Akademi (National Academy of Fine Arts) is a national organization established in 1954, to foster and coordinate activities in the sphere of Indian fine art culture. It has headquarters at New Delhi and regional centers at Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Garhi (Delhi), Kolkata, Lucknow and Shimla.

Functions and Powers

It is a non-profit, autonomous body, under the Ministry of Culture. Lait Kala Akademi is the nodal agency of Government of India to promote

  • Understanding of Indian art, both within and outside the country
  • Study and research in the fields of creative arts such as painting, sculpture and graphics etc.
  • Coordination of activities of the regional art organizations and State Lalit Kala Akademies
  • Exhibitions, scholarships, sponsorships, fellowships, assistance schemes, Lifetime Achievement Awards, and publication of documentary material.

The Akademi conducts Triennale India an international exhibition on contemporary art in New Delhi every three years. It also conducts the National Exhibition of Photography and Art. The Akademi also publishes bi-annual art journals, Lalit Kala Contemporary (English), Lalit Kala Ancient (English) and Samkaleen Kala (Hindi).

The Akademi sponsors various cultural exchange programmes with different countries through different agreements of government of India.

Awards and honours

Lalit Kala Akademi- Fellowship

The Lalit Kala Akademi Fellowship is a prestigious recognition in the field of art instituted by the Lalit Kala Akademi. Eminent artists and art historians are honoured every year by electing them as Fellows of the Akademi.


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