
The Kushinagar is a town located in Uttar Pradesh. It is one of the most important Buddhist pilgrimage sites. Buddhists believe that Lord Buddha attained Mahaparivarna (Enlightenment) after his death here.

About Kushinagar

Kushinagar was the capital of Kosala kingdom. According to the Hindus, it was ruled by King Kush (son of Lord Rama). However, according to the Buddhists, Kushavati was named prior to king Kush. The name Kushavati or Kushinagar is believed to have come from the abundant Kush grass found in the region. The current Kushinagar is identified as Kushinara (in post Budhha period) and Kushavati (pre-Buddha period). Kushinara was the capital of the Mallas. Mallas was one of the 16 mahajanpads in the 6th century BCE.

Kushinagar in medieval period

Kushinagar was ruled by the Kultury kings in the medieval period. The city then lived only till 12th century CE. It was then lost.

Kushinagar excavations

Kushinagar was brought back into prominence by the archaeological excavations carried out in 19th century. The excavations were done by the first Archaeological Surveyor of India, Alexander Cunningham. In 1876, the long statue of reclining Buddha was excavated. The excavation also uncovered the wealth of early Buddhists.

Buddha’s death

Buddha is believed to have made his journey to Kushinagar and laid himself to rest here. Emperor Ashoka had built a stupa in Kushinagar to mark parinirvana of Lord Buddha. The rulers of Gupta empire enlarged the stupa. Later, in 1200 CE, the Buddhist monks abandoned the site due to invading Muslim army. The Islamic rulers destroyed the site.

Kushinagar International Airport

As a part of celebration of Abhidhamma Day 2021, Prime Minister Modi inaugurated the Kushinagar international airport.

Buddisht site with few Buddhists

According to the 2011 census of India, only 0.12% of the total population are Buddhists in Kushinagar.

Kushinagar-Poorest district of UP

In terms of per capita, Kushinagar ranked 61st among 75 districts of UP in 2019-20. The contribution of manufacturing sector here is only 4.85%. The forestry, agriculture and fisheries contribute 36.17%.

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