Khanan Prahari Application

Illegal mining is increasing in India. While the illegal mining of minor minerals is common in states like AP, Telangana, and TN; illegal mining of major minerals like coal is common in northeastern states like Assam and Meghalaya. To curb illegal mining in the country, the GoI recently launched a mobile application and a surveillance system. The mobile app launched is called KHANAN PRAHARI. The surveillance system is CMSMS, that is, Coal Mine Surveillance and Management System.

About the app and the system

  • Anyone can report activities of illegal mining through the app
  • The main objective of launching these is to encourage citizen participation in acting against illegal mining

Significance and Way forward

Illegal mining of minor minerals is increasing exponentially compared to major minerals. This is because the demand for minor minerals like sand and gravel is increasing. According to United Nations Environment Programme, India ranks topmost in illegal sand mining. Fear and hesitation are the major reasons for the increase in illegal mining. Commoners noticing the activities of illegal mining are scared to report them. The IT technologies and mobile advancements and applications such as the KHANAN PRAHARI APP will help to keep the identity anonymous. Eventually, the chances of reporting will increase with these technology-related reporting systems



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