Kerala: the first state to pass anti-CAA resolution

The Kerala Government on December 31, 2019, passed a resolution to rollback the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) that was passed during this winter session of Parliament. According to the Kerala Government, the CAA act contradicts the basic principles of Constitution.


According to the Government of Kerala, the act was against secularism and has triggered widespread protests in the country. The act also dented India’s image among the International community

The act and the issue

The Citizenship Amendment Act, 2019 was passed in December 2019. The act amended Citizenship act passed in 1955. It allows Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains, Christians and Parsi religious minorities to gain Indian citizenship. It also includes the minorities who have fled from countries such as Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh. The issue around the act is that it does not include Muslims.

The Citizenship (Amendment) bill was introduced in 2016.

Concerns of North East

Though the ongoing protests in the country is predominantly against its non-secular feature, North Eastern states are against the overall act.  The north-eastern citizens, especially Assam, fear that the act will grant citizenship to immigrants and refugees causing loss of their political, cultural and land rights. This will also motivate further immigration from Bangladesh.


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