Kerala Police Operation AAG

The Kerala Police recently arrested 2,507 gangsters under OPERATION AAG. It was launched throughout the state. The operation aimed on arresting the fugitives listed under the Kerala anti-Social Activities Prevention Act (KAAPA). The primary targets in the list were those who returned to the state after being deported.

About the Operation

The operation was started at 11 PM on February 4, 2023. The Police forces raided more than 3,501 places and registered 1,673 cases. According to the Police, they achieved catching more than 50% of the fugitives on their list.

Why was the operation launched?

Foreign nationals from Bangladesh, Oman, Nepal, Zimbabwe, and Ethiopia visit Kerala in search of livelihood and jobs. Most of these foreign nationals enter the state through illegal means mainly in search of jobs to support their families back home. As the state has a high literacy rate, the cost of labour is expensive. And so Keralites hire cheap foreign labourers to hide their original identity. The main issue is terrorists enter the country in this way. For this reason, the Police Force of Kerala state often launches such operations and deports illegal entries. For instance, the Love Jihad terrorist group, ISIS, etc are popular terrorist groups in the state. Money laundering and illegal drug and weapon activities are also high in the state as compared to other coastal states in the country.



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