KAZA Summit Underway in Zambia

The Kavango-Zambezi Trans-Frontier Conservation Area (KAZA TFCA) Summit took place in Livingstone, Zambia, in May 2023, and more than 400 people were there. Representatives from Angola, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia, and Zimbabwe met at this meeting for five days, from May 27 to May 31. The KAZA conservation area is made up of these countries. It is known for having a lot of wildlife, including the world’s largest population of elephants.

Objective and Significance of the Summit

The main goal of the KAZA TFCA meeting was to look at how far the conservation area has come since it was first set up and how it has grown. The Memorandum of Understanding made in 2006 and the KAZA Treaty of 2011 were looked at to see how well they were being put into action to protect biodiversity and boost the economy through nature-based tourism. Zimbabwe’s Director for Wildlife and Forestry Management talked about how the meeting wanted to make KAZA the best-managed conservation area in the world.

Key Issues and Discussions at the Summit

The latest aerial census showed that there are a stable 230,000 elephants, which shed light on the main topic of the discussion: how to manage the elephant population. Some of the main issues that were talked about were the problem of too many elephants and the effects of international laws, like CITES’s bans on wildlife hunting trophies and trade limits on elephant products. The effects of climate change and the recent severe droughts caused by El Nino were also important topics of conversation.

Expected Outcomes and Commitments

The summit was planned to end with a high-level meeting of the presidents of the five countries, where they were supposed to reaffirm their support for the conservation effort. The main idea of the summit was to use the area’s natural and cultural resources to help everyone’s social and economic growth. This helped people make choices that would improve both conservation efforts and community benefits. The main goals of the KAZA TFCA summit were to look at the success that had been made, deal with environmental and economic problems, and change plans so that the region’s rich biodiversity could help it grow. This project is not only important for the earth, but it’s also a big way for people in Southern Africa to work together.



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