Karnataka tops NITI Aayog’s India Innovation Index

As per the India Innovation Index (III) 2019 released by NITI Aayog, Karnataka emerged as the Most Innovative State among Major States. The index was released by NITI Aayog’s vice chairman Rajiv Kumar and CEO Amitabh Kant.

The India Innovation Index (III) 2019 was released by NITI Aayog along with Institute for Competitiveness as its knowledge partner. The index has been developed into lines of Global Innovation Index (GII). This is the first-ever India Innovation Index released by NITI (National Institution for Transforming India) Aayog, a policy think tank of Indian Government.

Key Findings of Index

Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Telangana and Haryana secured 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th position respectively in innovation, followed by Kerala, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh.

In the list of 17 major states, Chattisgarh, Bihar and Jharkhand are at bottom of the index with Jharkhand finishing last.

Among North-Eastern & Hill States, Sikkim, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand have occupied the top spot of Most Innovative State in index while among Union Territories Delhi, Chandigarh and Goa have topped the list.

About India Innovation Index (III)

The idea behind index is to analyse innovation at state level and promote competitiveness among the states. It seeks to move states from competitive populism to competitive good governance. The innovation index will also help to pursue interventions that play an important role in developing cooperative and competitive federalism.

It ranks the states based on their innovation capability, opportunities and challenges that lie for states and actions needed by policy makers to foster innovation.

The Index is based on seven pillars which include 5 enablers and 2 performance indicators such as human capital, knowledge workers, investment and knowledge output. It has been developed over a period of last 18 months.


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