Karen Uhlenbeck becomes First Woman to Win Prestigious Abel Prize

US Mathematician Karen Uhlenbeck has been chosen for the Abel Prize 2019 for her fundamental work in geometric analysis and gauge theory, which has dramatically changed the mathematical landscape.
Karen Uhlenbeck’s theories have revolutionised the understanding of minimal surfaces, such as those formed by soap bubbles, and more general minimization problems in higher dimensions
Karen Uhlenbeck is the first women to win the Prestigious Abel Prize. With this feat, Women took another step forward in the still male-dominated world of science.

Able Prize

Able Prize established by the Oslo government in 2002 honour outstanding scientific work in the field of mathematics, a discipline not included among the Nobel awards.
Able Prize is named after the 19th century Norwegian mathematician Niels Henrik Abel. Able Prize comes with a monetary award of 6 million Norwegian Kroner (NOK).
The sole Indian recipient of the Able Prize is Indian American mathematician S. R. Srinivasa Varadhan. He was awarded for his fundamental contributions to probability theory and in particular for creating a unified theory of large deviation.


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