June 9: Coral Triangle Day

Every year the Coral Triangle Day is observed on June 9. The Day is observed by the Coral Triangle Initiative

Coral Triangle Initiative

The Initiative is a multilateral partnership of six countries namely Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, Timor-Leste. The Coral Triangle Initiative is also called the Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security (CTI-CFF). It is a multilateral partnership of six countries that are working to sustain marine and coastal resources and address issued such as food security.


The Coral Triangle Day is not only celebrated in these six countries. It is also celebrated in several other countries that are influenced by this region. It is an open source event that brings together organizations, individuals and establishments.

Coral Triangle

The Coral Triangle is the world epicentre of marine diversity that is spread across the above six countries. The region is important as it consists of 76% of coral species, 37% of coral reef fish and 53% of world coral reef. It is one of the three mega complexes on the Earth.

Mega Complexes of the Earth

Along with the Coral Triangle, the other two Mega Complexes of the earth includes Amazon rain forest and Congo Basin.


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