June 13: International Albinism Awareness Day

Every year, the International Albinism Awareness Day is celebrated on June 13. The day is marked to celebrate the human rights of the persons affected by Albinism world wide. This year the International Albinism Awareness Day is marked under the theme

Theme: Made to Shine


The day is celebrated worldwide to create awareness and acknowledge multiple forms of discrimination faced by people with albinism. This year, the theme has been chosen to celebrate the success of people with Albinism worldwide. The theme aims to convey the message that though people suffering from Albinism are facing discrimination, the world stands together with them to free them from discrimination and violence. The day is marked by United Nations.


Albinism is genetically inherited, non-contagious and results in lack of pigmentation in skin, eyes and hair. For the disease to be present at birth, both the parents must carry the gene of Albinism.

In Europe and North America, one in 17,000 are affected with Albinism. It is more prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa where one in 1,400 are affected.


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