John Key wins third time

New Zealand Prime Minister John Key emerged victorious for the thirds consecutive win in the general election. John Key who belongs to the National Party had won 48% votes as compared to David Cunliffe from Labour Party which could only win 25 % votes. The election is being regarded as the worst loss for the Labour Party since 1922.
3.4 million eligible voters placed hope and trust in John key and his election campaign promises which offered tax cuts as opposed to Cunliffe who had vowed to overcome the economic disparities by a capital gains tax and also promised to raise the minimum wage rate.
Data from Electoral Commissioner suggests the vote share of Key is highest as opposed to Labour Party which has fared rather poorly and has been the party’s worst ever election outcome.
“National voters wanted us back and they voted for us in droves,” Key told supporters. “This is a victory for those who kept the faith and refused to be distracted.” Key has registered a major win despite allegations by the Labour Party which had cast a shadow on John Key’s election campaign. John Key expressed his humbleness and his delight at the victory. He stated feeling more energized to steer the growth of the nation for larger good of all.
US whistleblower had pointed out in a statement that US was spying on New Zealanders but the latter have largely refused the same.
The Mana Internet Party which had the fund support from Kim Dotcom had failed to open its account



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