Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM)

JNNURM was launched on 3rd December 2005 and closed in 2014. This scheme is now succeeded by Atal AMRUT Mission. The below information is for archive purpose only.

Cities and towns of India constitute the world’s second largest urban system. They contribute over 50% of country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and are central to economic growth. For these cities to realize their full potential and become true engines of growth, it is necessary that focused attention be given to the improvement of infrastructure therein. For achieving this objective, a Mission mode approach is essential.


  • Focused attention to integrated development of basic services to the urban poor Security of tenure at affordable price, improved housing, water supply, sanitation;
  • Convergence of services in fields of education, health and social security
  • As far as possible providing housing near the place of occupation of the urban poor
  • Effective linkage between asset creation and asset management to ensure efficiency
  • Scaling up delivery of civic amenities and provision of utilities with emphasis on universal access to urban poor.
  • Ensuring adequate investment of funds to fulfill deficiencies in the basic services to the urban poor.

Sub Missions

JNNURM comprises two Sub-Missions :

  1. Urban Infrastructure and Governance (UIG) (Sub-mission I)
  2. Basic Services to the Urban Poor Urban (BSUP) (Sub-mission II)

There are, in addition, two other components:

  1. Urban Infrastructure Development of Small & Medium Towns (UIDSSMT)
  2. Integrated Housing and Slum Development Programme (IHSDP)

Number of Cities as of December 20, 2009:

The number of cities in Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission is 65 by the end of 2009. The last two cities added are Tirupati and Porbundar.

 Purchase of Buses:

  1. Under the second stimulus package announced by the Government on 2.1.2009, it has been decided that States, as a one time measure upto 30.6.2009 would be provided assistance under the JNNURM for the purchase of buses for their urban transport systems.
  2. Accordingly under the scheme launched by the Ministry of Urban Development, a total of 15260 buses have been approved for 61 JNNURM cities at a total cost of Rs.4723.94 crore out of which total admissible Central Assistance would be Rs.2088.05 crore.

Progress in UIG Component:

  1. For Urban Infrastructure and Governance (UIG) component Additional Central Assistance(ACA) for was increased from Rs 25,500 crore to Rs 31,500 crore for the Year 2009.
  2. Under the UIG component of JNNURM, 20 projects were sanctioned during 2009, bringing total number of projects sanctioned under the UIG component since inception (i.e. since 3rd December 2005) to 481.

Progress in UIDSSMT component:

  1. Seven year allocation for the Urban Infrastructure Development for Small and Medium Towns (UIDSSMT) component was raised from Rs 6400 crore to Rs 11,400 crore in the Year 2009.

New Schemes:
Two new Schemes were launched in 2009

  1. The Asian Development Bank assisted North Eastern Region Urban Development Programme (NERUDP) covering Agartala, Shillong, Aizawl, Kohima and Gangtok
  2. Scheme for infrastructure development in the satellite towns around the seven mega cities.

Proposed Programme Management Unit :

  1. To strengthen the capacity of State Level Nodal Agency (SLNA) to effectively coordinate implementation of projects and reforms under Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission, Ministry of Urban Development has proposed to support a Programme Management Unit (PMU) at the SLNA.
  2. The financial support for establishing PMUs was initiated in June 2007. Based on proposals sent by the states the Mission Directorate has approved 19 PMUs of which, 10 states have established arid operationalized PMUs.

Project Implementation Unit (PIU)

  • The Mission Directorate is providing financial and technical support to establish Project Implementation Units (PIUs) at the municipal level, to enhance their capability to effectively implement projects and reforms under JNNURM. The PIU is meant to be an operations unit supplementing and enhancing the existing skill mix of the ULB, rather than a supervisory body. The Mission Directorate has approved 45 PIUs of which 26 PIUs have established andd operationalized by the ULBs.

Independent Review and Monitoring Agency (IRMA)

  1. IRMAs are agencies to be appointed by the states for monitoring of the progress of implementation of the projects sanctioned under the JNNURM so that the funds released are utilized in a purposeful and time-bound manner.
  2. The proposals of Kerala, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Pudducherry, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Assam, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh and Karnataka for appointment of IRMA have been approved by the CSMC.
  3. IRMAs have been established in Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Uttarakhand, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka and Rajasthan.
  4. The states of Bihar, Delhi, Nagaland, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh are in the process of appointing IRMAs.
  5. For the states of Chandigarh, Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Sikkim, Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand, Orissa and Goa, Ministry of Urban Development has initiated steps for appointment of IRMAs on behalf of these States.
  6. CSMC has approved the selection of firms for appointment of IRMAs in these States and States have been intimated about the decision for entering into the agreement with the selected firms.

Peer Experience and Reflective Learning (PEARL)

  1. The “Peer Experience and Reflective Learning” (PEARL) programme was launched to foster cross learning and knowledge sharing through networking among the Mission cities.
  2. To achieve this objective, the Mission supported formation of groups/networks amongst JNNURM cities having similar socio-economic profile and urban issues, along with natural affinity to peer pair.
  3. The National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA) has been appointed as the National Coordinator for the PEARL programme for coordinating the overall functioning of the networks, with an appreciation of the independent self driven nature of the networks, and assisting the Mission Directorate in supporting and monitoring the programme.
  4. Under the programme, network of heritage cities have organized knowledge sharing workshops.
  5. A website has been made operational providing tools to support networking and knowledge sharing. NIUA has brought out a newsletter “PEARL Update”.

Credit Rating in JNNURM

  1. JNNURM has undertaken an exercise for assessment of finances and credit worthiness of the Mission ULBs, through process of credit rating.
  2. This is intended to trigger the process of leveraging debt for JNNURM projects and to provide a platform for the ULBs and financial institutions to engage on issues related to project financing.
  3. Presently, 59 ULBs in the Mission cities have been assigned final rating and made public. Four workshops have been conducted for dissemination of ratings and bringing the ULBs in contact with the banks financial institutions.
  4. The surveillance rating has been initiated in Feb 2009. The surveillance ratings will include, but will not be restricted to major developments since last rating, issues / concerns raised, by the rating agencies, during the first round of rating, and rationale for re-affirming /changing the ratings.

Programme Management and Evaluation System (PMES)

  1. PMES has been developed as a comprehensive web-enabled Management Information System (MIS) which will serve to cover all the critical aspects of programme implementation. Intensive hands-on training for City as well as State level officials has been conducted to ensure effective use of the application.
  2. Further rounds of training have been planned and will be rolled out shortly. PMES is live for all States covering 52 Mission cities, training for which have been completed.

Public Private Partnership (PPP) initiatives

  1. The Mission Cities have agreed to include promotion of PPP through appropriate policies and projects as a part of the reforms agenda.
  2. A number of States such as Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Orissa, Rajasthan, West Bengal, have adopted PPP policy.
  3. PPP cell has also been established by Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Gujarat, Karnataka, Punjab and West Bengal for promotion of PPP for infrastructure projects in their States.
  4. PPP initiatives have been taken by Indore, Vadodara, Pune and Ahmedabad for establishing City Bus Service.

Establishment of City Voluntary Technical Corp. (CVTC)

  1. City Volunteer Technical Corps (CVTC’s) and City Technical Advisory Groups (CTAG’s) are voluntary groups of professionally qualified persons in the sectors of urban planning, urban governance, urban engineering, legal and financial services and urban poverty.
  2. Their setting up was being facilitated by the National Technical Advisory Group (NTAG) on request of the ULBs.

Community Participation Fund

  1. A Community Participation Fund (CPF) has been established on 4.6.2007 by the Mission Directorate with the initial corpus of Rs. 100 crore with the provision of Rs.90 crore for the projects during the remaining years of mission period.
  2. So far 39 proposals under CPF have been approved.

National Mission Mode project (NMMP) on e-Governance in Municipalities as part of JNNURM

  1. A Mission Mode Project on e-Governance in municipalities has been prepared by this Ministry to make urban governance more efficient and effective.
  2. Since local government is the first interface between citizens and government this initiative would solve a number of problems that the people in towns and cities are facing due to rapid urbanization. It would assist improved service delivery, decentralization, better information management & transparency, citizen’s involvement in government, improved interaction between local governments and its citizens as well as other interest groups like NGOs, CBOs, RWAs, etc.
  3. It has been decided that initially the scheme would be a part of Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) for 35 cities with population of over 10 lakh and a new Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) for other cities and towns would be taken up after watching the implementation under JNNURM.
  4. Accordingly, the guidelines on NMMP on e-Governance in municipalities have been prepared and circulated to the States/ULBs for submission of DPRs.
  5. Six projects on e-governance in Municipalities have since been approved for the city of Vijayawada, Nagpur, Kochi, Pune, Navi Mumbai and Ulhasnagar.

JUST Project

  1. JNNURM Urban Strengthening and Transformation (JUST) Project [Capacity Building for Urban Development -CBUD] is a World Bank assisted project.
  2. It consists of US$ 60 million combining US$ 40 million for Urban Development component and US$ 20 million for Urban Poverty component in 20 participating ULBs which would implement at least two reforms covering financial management, planning governance, service delivery as well as poverty reducing strategies.
  3. The selection of the 20 ULBs would be done by the CSMC involving a mix from leading and lagging states using criteria for urban governance, provisioning of urban services and urban poverty.

Capacity Building Scheme for Urban Local Bodies (CBULB)

  1. In order to strengthen the capacities of Urban Local Bodies other than those towns and cities not covered under JNNURM and UIDSSMT, Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India has formulated a scheme viz. ‘Capacity Building Scheme for Urban Local Bodies’ (CBULB) having a total outlay for Rs. 125 crore for 11th Five Year Plan with the objective of setting up of centres of excellence in the field of urban development.
  2. Under this scheme, financial assistance is being extended to Identified Institutions/Cities/States for aforesaid objectives. At present, Ministry of Urban Development has received proposals from Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Maharashtra, Kerala and Karnataka Governments for financial assistance under CBULB scheme.



  1. Anonymous

    November 10, 2009 at 5:26 am

    please extend the article to a large amount……..thanks sir……

  2. Anonymous

    December 29, 2009 at 9:01 pm

    unbelievable ……………


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