Japan’s Overseas Security Assistance (OSA) Programme

On April 5, 2023, Japan announced its decision to provide financial support to help nations strengthen their defences. This announcement marked a radical departure from the regulations that have been preventing the use of foreign aid for military objectives. The Overseas Security Assistance (OSA) programme will be run independently from the Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) programme, which finances civilian infrastructure.

The Aim of the OSA Programme

According to Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno, the OSA programme aims to deepen security cooperation with countries and create a desirable security environment for Japan. In a statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that by enhancing their security and deterrence capabilities, specific projects would likely include radio equipment for maritime surveillance and satellite communication.

Initial Beneficiaries and Principles Regulating Arms Exports

The initial beneficiaries of the OSA programme may include the Philippines, Malaysia, Bangladesh, or Fiji. The foreign ministry launched a bid to begin an OSA feasibility study in order to increase the maritime security of these nations. As per the foreign ministry, aid under the new arrangement would not be used to purchase deadly weapons that recipients might use in disputes with other nations. The principles regulating arms exports in Japan are the three principles, which Japan adheres to strictly.

No Assistance for Wealthy Nations

Since the assistance will be in the form of grants, only poor nations will be able to access the OSA. It is expected to help countries that are in dire need of financial support for their security.

Japan’s Defence Strategy and Export of Weapons

The decision to broaden the scope of international assistance to military-related projects was made in response to Japan’s statement in December that it would double its defence spending over the next five years to stave off China’s expanding military power. The movement to loosen Japan’s ban on exporting weapons is gaining pace, and the ruling coalition is hoping to begin working-level negotiations about easing the present restrictions on weaponry exports in late April.

Expanding Relationships with Developing Nations

In an effort to compete with China, Japan has been expanding its relationships with developing nations. As part of the efforts to strengthen relationship with South and Southeast Asia, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced a $75 billion investment across the Indo-Pacific. This investment will help to create economic growth and improve infrastructure in the region.



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