Jaipur and Srinagar Airport ranked first and second in ACI-ASQ Survey

The Jaipur and Srinagar Airport were ranked first and second respectively in ACI (Airports Council International)-ASQ (Airport Service Quality) Survey in the category of 2-5 million passengers .
It was for second consecutive time Jaipur Airport was rated Best Airport in the World in the 2 to 5 million passengers per year traffic volume category. Earlier it was ranked best Airport in 2016 also. Besides, Hyderabad’s Rajiv Gandhi International Airport (RGIA) bagged World 1 airport Award trophy of the ACI in the 5-15 million passengers per annum category.

About ASQ awards

The Airport Service Quality (ASQ) Awards are aviation industry’s most prestigious accolades. They recognize airports which have achieved highest passenger satisfaction ratings in ASQ Survey which is the world’s benchmark measure of airport excellence.
ACI-ASQ Survey is only worldwide programme to survey passengers at airports on their day of travel. Every year it measures passengers’ views on 34 key performance indicators, including airport access, check-in, security screening, stores, restrooms and restaurants. The survey allows creating industry database that allows airports to compare themselves to other airports around the world. It also facilitates sharing of best practices among airport operators.


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