Islamic State claims responsible for Gunmen attack in Sikh Gurudwara, Kabul

On March 25, 2020, 11 people were killed in a terror attack that targeted a “Dharmashala” in Kabul. The Dharamshala is reported to have sizeable number of Hindu and Sikh minorities. The Islamic State Organization has claimed to take responsibility to the attack.


Around 150 were praying in the Gurudwara when it was attacked. The Shor Bazar area of Kabul, where the attack took place was once home to several Gurudwaras. However, many were destroyed during fighting in 1980s.

What is the issue?

The Conflict between Afghan Muslims and Sikhs has routes to 18th century. The conflict began with series of wars between Islamic Durrani Empire in Afghanistan and Sikh Empire in Punjab. The conflicts existed since the days of Dal Khalsa. Dal Khalsa is a Sikh Army that operated in 18th century.

The Battle of Attock was the first war that took place between the 2 communities.


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