ISA-ADB, NDB, GCF, AfDB and AIIB sign joint declarations of financial Partnership

The International Solar Alliance (ISA) and African Development Bank (AfDb), Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), Asian Development Bank (ADB), Green climate fund (GCF), and New Development Bank (NDB) signed Joint financial partnership Declarations. The International Energy Agency (IEA) also signed Joint partnership Declaration with ISA. The objective of these agreements is to deepen their cooperation in support of renewable energy. ISA had earlier signed three partnerships with World Bank, European Investment Bank (EIB) and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

International Solar Alliance (ISA)

The ISA was one of key takeaways at Paris Climate summit, 2015 (2015 UN Climate Change Conference, COP 21 or CMP 11). It is aimed at tapping solar energy in the countries that lie partially or fully between Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. ISA is first treaty-based intergovernmental organisation (entered into force in December 2017) to be headquartered at Gurugram, India.
Its major objectives include global deployment of over 1,000GW of solar generation capacity and mobilisation of investment of over US $1000 billion into solar energy by 2030. It also aims to bring together countries with rich solar potential to aggregate global demand, thereby reducing prices through bulk purchase, facilitating deployment of existing solar technologies at scale and promoting collaborative solar R&D and capacity building.


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