Is the power of the government to expel a foreigner absolute?

The Supreme Court has asserted that the power of the government to expel a foreigner is absolute and unlimited. There is no provision in the Constitution fettering this discretion of the Government.

The Government has an unrestricted power to expel a foreigner without assigning any reasons. A foreigner has no right to claim Indian citizenship. No foreigner can claim to stay in India as a matter of right. The Government has an unrestricted right to expel a foreigner. A foreigner can claim the protection to his life and liberty under Article 21, but the right to reside and settle in India as conferred by Article 19 (1) (d) is available only to the citizens of India and not to non-citizens.

Write briefly about the Election Commission.

In order to ensure free, fair and impartial elections, the Constitution establishes the Election Commission, a body autonomous in character and insulated from political pressures or executive influence. Care has been taken to ensure that the Commission functions as an independent agency free from external pressures from the party in power, or the executive of the day. The Commission is set up as a permanent body under Article 324 (1). It is an all India body having jurisdiction over elections to Parliament, State Legislatures, offices of the President and Vice-President. The Election Commission consists of the Chief Election Commissioner [CEC] ad such number of Election Commissioners [ECs], if any; as the President may fix from time to time [Article 324 (2)]. All these Commissioners are appointed by the resident subject to the provisions of any law enacted by Parliament for the purpose [Article 325 (2)].

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