Invasive Species Examples

Invasive species are those that are introduced—intentionally or unintentionally—to an ecosystem in which they do not naturally appear and which threaten habitats, ecosystems, or native species. These species become invasive due to their high reproduction rates and by competing with and displacing native species, that naturally appear in that ecosystem. Unintentional introduction can be the result of accidents (e.g. when species escape from a zoo), transport (e.g. in the ballast water of a ship); intentional introduction can be the result of e.g. importing animals or plants or the genetic modification of organisms.

Examples of Invasive Species

Congress Grass

The Congress Grass (Parthenium hysterophorus) inhibits the germination and growth of many plants and induces hay fever, asthma, skin rashes, and eczema in human beings.  Toxic to animals, it can also taint mutton and make dairy milk unpalatable owing to its odour.

Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes):

Aquatic plant of tropical South America that flourishes in warm climates in Central America, North America, Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. The hyacinth grows in thick rafts, deoxygenating the water for other species and impeding water flow and navigation.

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