Introduction of National Research Foundation Bill, 2023

The Union Cabinet’s recent approval of the National Research Foundation (NRF) Bill, 2023 marks a significant step towards fostering research and development (R&D) and promoting a culture of innovation across India.  

Establishment and Administrative Department 

The NRF, as per the recently approved bill, aims to seed, grow, and promote R&D activities in universities, colleges, research institutions, and R&D laboratories throughout the country. The Department of Science and Technology (DST) will serve as the administrative department, overseeing the operations and strategic direction of the NRF. 

Governing Bodies 

The governing board of the NRF will consist of distinguished experts and professionals from various fields of study. The ex-officio president of the board will be none other than the Prime Minister of India. Additionally, the Ministers of Science & Technology and Education will serve as ex-officio vice-presidents. The executive council, responsible for governing the NRF’s functioning, will be chaired by the principal scientific adviser to the government. 

Financial Implications 

The establishment of the NRF comes with an estimated cost of ₹50,000 crore over the period of 2023-2028. This substantial investment underscores the government’s commitment to advancing research and innovation in the country. 

Integration and Collaboration 

The NRF will foster partnerships and cooperation between industry, academia, government departments, and research institutions. Its primary objective is to establish an interface mechanism that allows industries, state governments, scientific bodies, and line ministries to actively participate and contribute to its initiatives. This approach aims to encourage collaboration and increase industry spending on R&D. 

Expanded Mandate 

The NRF bill also entails the repeal of the Science and Engineering Research Board, established in 2008, integrating its activities into the NRF. Unlike its predecessor, the NRF has a broader mandate that encompasses activities beyond the scope of the earlier board. This expansion reflects a comprehensive approach towards nurturing research and innovation. 

Promoting Research and Innovation 

The NRF’s ultimate goal is to establish a robust research and innovation ecosystem in India. By supporting universities, colleges, research institutions, and R&D laboratories, the NRF aims to drive breakthroughs, technological advancements, and societal impact across various sectors. 



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