International Women’s Day

On March 8th Women’s Day is celebrated annually across the globe. This day is dedicated to women and talks about their achievements and the journey they have taken to better their lives.


  • This day is celebrated with the aim to focus on gender equality and spread the message that without the inclusion of half of the planet’s population no vision can be fulfilled.

The Theme for International Women’s Day 2022

‘Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow’ is the theme for International Women’s Day (IWD) 2022. This day is meant to honour the contributions of women and girls all around the world who are leading the charge in climate change adaptation, mitigation, and response in order to create a more sustainable future.

‘#BreakTheBias’ is the IWD 2022 campaign theme. Its aim is to encourage a gender-equal world free of stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination.

History of the day

In 1977 the United Nations first officially recognized International Women’s Day.  However, one of the earliest calls for women’s rights dates back to 1848, when Americans Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott organized the first women’s rights convention in the United States at an anti-slavery convention.

On February 28, 1909, the inaugural Women’s Day was observed in the United States. This day commemorated the 1908 New York garment workers’ strike, during which women protested poor working conditions.

Years later, on the last Sunday of February, which was February 23, 1917 (March 8 on the Gregorian calendar), women in Russia chose to protest and strike for peace and food. As Russia during that time had not yet adopted the Gregorian calendar 23 February 1917 corresponded with 8 March in Europe. This is how the idea to celebrate Women’s Day on 8th March came to be. 1975 was designated as International Women’s Year, and March 8 has been designated since then as International Women’s Day.

Women’s Day in India

On February 13, National Women’s Day is held in India to commemorate Sarojini Naidu’s birth anniversary. She was a pioneer in women’s rights advocacy. Sarojini Naidu was called the Nightingale of India and was a poet as well as political leader.



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