International Widows Day 2021

International Widows Day is observed on June 23 to bring attention to the voices of widows and highlight the problems they face.


International Widows Day was established by The Loomba Foundation to raise awareness regarding the issue of widowhood. It is a United Nations ratified day of action. It addresses “poverty and injustice faced by millions of widows and their dependents across the countries.

Why it is celebrated on June 23?

June 23 was chosen to mark the day because on this day, Shrimati Pushpa Wati Loomba, mother of Lord Loomba, became a widow in 1954.


First International Widows Day was observed in 2005. It was launched by Lord Loomba and Cherie Blair who are foundation’s president. Later on, December 21, 2010, the day was formally adopted as International Widows Day by United Nations. In 2010, it was the sixth edition. After the sixth edition, the events are being held in other countries like Sri Lanka, United States, UK, Syria, Nepal, India, Kenya, and Bangladesh.

Significance of the day

This day provides an opportunity for action to achieve full rights and recognition for widows. It also talks about providing widows with information regarding the access to fair share of their inheritance, land, productive resources, social protection, decent work, equal pay, and pensions.

Number of widows

There are about 258 million widows across the world. Out of them, one in ten windows live in extreme poverty.


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