International Tiger Day 2022

On July 29, the International Tiger Day is celebrated across the world. It is also known as World Tiger Day. Year 2022 is marking the 12th International Tiger Day. The day is aimed at promoting a global system to protect natural habitats of tigers, raising public awareness on risks and challenges faced by tigers worldwide.

History of the day:

  • The World Tiger Day was founded in 2010, during Saint Petersburg Tiger Summit 2010.
  • During the summit, representatives from 13 countries declared that; tiger-populated countries will start initiatives to double the population of tiger by 2022.

Risks faced by Tigers:

  • As per World Wildlife Fund (WWF), number of wild tigers have decreased by over 95% and only 3900 wild tigers are left in the world.
  • The number of tigers is decreasing due to cutting down trees and destruction of natural habitat.
  • Climate change, poaching, Illicit commerce, and killing are other factors leading to decrease in population.
  • Tigers are now counted among those animals, which are on the verge of extinction.
  • Thus, the International Tiger Day is celebrated every year, to raise awareness on importance of tiger conservation.

Tigers in India:

Tiger is the national animal of India. The country is home to more than half of world’s wild tigers, with an estimated 2,226 number of Tigers. However, since 2012, India has lost 1,059 tigers. Madhya Pradesh recorded highest number of deaths. Madhya Pradesh is known as ‘tiger state’ of India. As per National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA), 75 tigers have lost life so far in 2022.



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