International Conference on Sustainable Biofuels 2018 held in New Delhi

The two day international conference on Sustainable Biofuels was held in New Delhi. It was jointly being organized by Department of Biotechnology and Biofuture platform.
It aimed to provide common platform to Government policy makers, industry, investors and research community to exchange experiences and challenges related to development and scaling of advance biofuels. It also focused on concerns of private sectors to speed up large scale production of sustainable biofuels.

Key Facts

The conference also aimed to provide clear understanding of development in bio-economy made by participating countries, increase awareness of policy makers about challenges faced by industry-investor for commercial scale up of advanced biofuels.
It also provided common platform to experts and delegates from 19 countries including representatives from mission innovation member countries in Sustainable Biofuels sector to take stock of current knowledge, share information and best practices, and build consensus on the actions most needed to move forward.

Mission Innovation

Department of Biotechnology (DBT) under Ministry of Science & Technology is nodal agency coordinating and steering activities of Mission Innovation (MI) in India.  Mission Innovation India unit was set-up in 2017 by DBT at ICGEB, New Delhi. DBT has lead in ushering R&D in advanced biofuels and has set up four large Bioenergy Research Centres.
DBT also has established Sustainable Biofuel Innovation Challenge (SBIC) under MI. It aims to accelerate research, development and deployment of low cost, high GHG impacting advanced biofuels. It will build on existing knowledge of individual participating countries and international institutes like IEA, IRENA and in collaboration of Biofuture Platform coordinated by Brazil as program Secretariat. The aim of this cooperation is to avoid duplication of efforts and define clear areas of collaboration for speeding up of innovations in this area.


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