Integrated Teacher Education Programme (ITEP)

The National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) has launched the Integrated Teacher Education Programme (ITEP) in 57 Teacher Education Institutions (TEIs) throughout India. This flagship initiative is launched under NEP 2020. It was notified in 2021. It offers a 4-year dual-major undergraduate degree program, preparing teachers for the 4 stages of the new school structure i.e. the 5+3+3+4 structure of foundational, preparatory, middle and secondary schooling.

What is ITEP?

The ITEP aims to provide cutting-edge pedagogy, foundational literacy and numeracy, early childhood care and education, inclusive education, and an understanding of India’s values, ethos, art, and traditions, among other things. Prospective teachers passing out of this course will be equipped with 21st-century global standards to shape the future of New India. The course will save students one year by completing it in 4 years instead of 5.

Benefits of ITEP

It will provide cutting-edge pedagogy. This means it will provide the latest technologies used in teaching methods and teaching practices. Also, it will establish foundational literacy and aid in Early Childhood Care and Education. (ECCE)


The National Education Policy 2020 focuses on Early Childhood Care and Education. In accordance with the NEP 2020, it is essential to achieve early childhood education so that the kids entering Grade 1 are ready. To achieve this, there is a necessity for three years of pre-schooling before Class 1. The major challenge in the ECCE is the lack of trained teachers. ITEP will address this challenge.

What is Foundational Literacy and Numeracy included in the ITEP?

It is the skills and strategies that are used in speaking, reading, writing, and interpreting thoughts. Basic numeracy skills include fundamental mathematical operations such as subtraction, addition, multiplication, and division.

What is Inclusive Education according to NEP 2020?

All children in the country should get equal educational opportunities despite their socioeconomic identities. How does UNICEF define inclusive education? All children in the same classroom should get the same opportunities.



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