Integrated Geospatial Platform to complement Arogya Setu

On April 15, 2020, the Department of Science and Technology launched Integrated Geospatial Platform to complement Arogya Setu and integrate data from several other initiatives. The platform will help in planning area-specific strategies to handle socio-economic impacts of COVID-19. The platform aims to provide map based data about the COVID-19 affected region in the country.


The platform will receive data from SAHYOG mobile application that was launched by survey of India and also from web portal India maps ( The SAHYOG application collects information about data sets through community engagement. Now along with India maps, the integrated platform will provide geospatial information and the socio-economic distress and livelihood challenges related to the region as well.


The platform will help to strengthen National health emergency programme. It aims to support socio-economic recovery processes. Also, the platform will act as  an information linkage between human, technological, medical and infrastructural resources.

The State Spatial Data Infrastructure (SSDI) was launched in Punjab, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir to provide sate and district level data. The data from these state based platforms were also integrated with the platform.


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