INSV Tarini

Indian Naval Sailing Vessel Tarini has completed a 6-month-long transoceanic intercontinental expedition, covering 17,000 nautical miles of passage once it reaches Goa on May 24. The vessel sailed to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil via Cape Town, South Africa, participating in Cape to Rio Race 2023. The expedition was a challenging one, with Tarini braving storms, rough seas, strong winds, and heavy weather conditions. Tarini’s crew consisted of six officers, including two women officers, who exhibited their spirit, grit, and determination throughout the journey.

Previous Expedition

INSV Tarini is known for circumnavigating the globe with an all-women officer crew in the historic expedition titled Navika Sagar Parikrama that began in 2017. During their 254-day expedition, the six members of Navika Sagar Parikrama covered 22,000 nautical miles, facing rough seas, scorching sun, biting cold, and freezing winds with an unrelenting spirit.

INSV Tarini

INSV Tarini is the second sailboat of the Indian Navy, built at the Aquarius Shipyard in Divar, Goa. The vessel was delivered to the navy on February 18, 2017, and is christened after the Tara Tarini temple. The boat measures 56 feet in length and is built of wood-core and fiberglass sandwich. The boat has six sails, including mainsail, genoa, stay, downwind, and storm sail, and is capable of sailing in extreme conditions.

Expedition’s Significance

The expedition is significant as it covered a vast distance and enabled the crew to face many challenges, which would add to the Indian Navy’s capabilities. The Indian Navy has been using expeditions like this to improve its sailors’ skills and to promote awareness about oceanic voyages.



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