Institutional Structure on Flood Control in India

In India, the subject of Flood Management falls within the purview of the State Governments. Central Government provides technical, advisory, catalytic and promotional support to the flood affected areas. Further, Central Government also releases assistance to states for effective flood management time to time.

Rashtriya Barh Arog (National Commission on Floods)

The union government had commissioned the Rashtriya Barh Ayog (RBA) in 1980. This commission had assessed the 40 million hectare area of country in 21 states and one Union Territory and examined at considerable length the various factors that cause heavy floods in different river basins and deltas, and indicated the measures that need be taken for affording such flood protection as may be feasible in such areas.

Task Force on Flood Management and Erosion Control in 2004

The Central Government had constituted several committees to study the flood problem and suggest ways and means to minimize the damage and recurrence of floods. The 2004 Task Force on Flood Management and Erosion Control had recommended immediate, short term and long term measures of flood management and erosion control in NE region and Ganga Basin States.


Like all other disasters, the most notable policy initiative has been enactment of DM Act 2005 and setting up of NDMA, which has been assigned to deal with all types of disasters including the floods. The National Executive Committee (NEC) assists NDMA in discharge of its functions and ensure compliance of the directions issued by the central government apart from preparing the National Disaster Management Plan.


The state governments are mandated to set up State Disaster Management Authorities (SDMAs) and State Executive Committees (SECs) to perform similar functions at the state level.

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