Institute for Plasma Research Recruitment 2018 for Apprentice Posts
CSIR-Institute for Plasma Research (CSIR-IPR) has invited online applications from qualified candidates for the posts of Apprentice in the organisation. The candidates will be selected on the basis of performance in the written test and/or interview. The total number of vacancies is 49 and the break up is given below. The applications have to be submitted online on the official website of CSIR-Institute for Plasma Research, the link for which is given at the end of the post. The eligible candidates may attend the walk-in Interview on the date mentioned in the notification i.e. 14th August 2018. All the important details like educational qualifications, pay scale etc. are mentioned in the official notification. This is a good opportunity to work in CSIR-Institute for Plasma Research
About the Vacancies
The total number of vacancies for this recruitment are as follows:
- Trade Apprentices (ITI): 15
- Graduate Apprentices (Degree holder): 16
- Technician Apprentices (Diploma holder): 18
Pay Scale
The pay scale for this recruitment are as follows:
- Graduate Apprentices (Degree holder): Rs.9,000/-
- Technician Apprentices (Diploma holder) Rs.8,000/-
- Trade Apprentices (ITI): Rs.7,000/-
Educational Qualifications
The educational qualifications needed for this recruitment are as follows:
- Candidates must have ITI / Diploma in Engineering B.E B.Tech / Degree in Engineering from Recognized Board/University
Last Date
The last date for this recruitment is as follows:
- 14th August 2018
Official Links
Following are the official links related to this recruitment:
- Official Notification: Click Here
- Apply Online: Click Here