Initiatives of MIC and AICTE to boost Research and Innovation in the Country

The Union Minister of Human Resources and Development Shri Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ launched the various initiatives spearheaded by the MHRD’s Innovation Cell (MIC) and All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) to boost research and innovation in the country.

Initiatives Launched

Launch of IIC 2.0

The Innovation Cell of MHRD has envisioned establishing a strong network of Institution’s Innovation Council (IICs) in Higher Educational Institutes to promote innovation and start-up in academia through multitudinous modes leading to an innovation promotion eco-system in these campuses.

The IIC 2.0 was launched with an addition of 439 new IICs and with new provisions and features for effective participation of IICs.

ARIIA 2020

Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA) is an initiative of Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) to systematically rank all major educational institutions and universities on indicators related to the promotion of “Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development” amongst their students and faculties.

ARIIA 2020 will measure innovation and start-up ecosystem based on six parameters.

National Innovation and Start-up Policy 2019’ for students and faculty

The MHRD has released the Guidelines on National Student and Faculty Start-up policy 2019’ for Higher Education Institutions envisions a higher educational system oriented towards start-ups and entrepreneurship opportunities for student and faculties.

Smart India Hackathon -2020

Smart India Hackathon is a flagship program and nationwide initiative by MHRD’s Innovation Cell (MIC) and AICTE to provide students a platform to solve some of the pressing challenges faced within various Central and State Ministries, Departments, Industries, PSUs and NGOs to create world-class solutions for some of pressing problems of our country. The Smart India Hackathon -2020 will be the fourth edition.

Atal Academies

The AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academies are established for imparting training to technical teachers and research scholars in thrust areas such as Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI & ML), 3-D Printing, Big Data Analysis, Blockchain, Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality, Quantum Computing, Internet of Things (IoT), Robotics & Cyber Security.

Protsahan Mudra: Rewards

Protsahan Mudra: Rewards is real time rewards Engine to give rewards to Students and teachers daily or as close to the action that qualifies for the reward. The innovative approach rewarding as a recognition and encouragement tool will democratize the process of Protsahan.

AICTE – Vishwakarma Awards’ 2019

The AICTE – Vishwakarma Awards were introduced in 2017 to encourage and motivate young students and institutions to raise their performance in their specific domains leading to significant contribution towards the growth and development of the nation as a whole.

The AICTE has announced the Vishwakarma Award 2019 with the theme of “How to enhance the income of Village”.

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