Indri indri

The Indri indri is a species of lemur in Madagascar. It is one of the largest living lemurs.

About Indri indri

The Indri lemurs weigh around 9 kilograms. They are black in colour with a white coat. They maintain an upright posture while clinging or climbing. They live in family groups. They are herbivorous. They mainly feed on fruits, seeds and flowers. Besides humans, they are the only mammal to sing.

Rhythmic singing of Indri indri species

In October 2021, scientists discovered that the Indris sing a particular rhythmic song. Such songs were so far sung only by birds and humans. Indris are the only lemurs to communicate through songs. They sing to find their family members.

Association with culture

The Indris are a major part of the stories of Malagasy people. The Malagasy people are Austronesian group living in the island of Madagascar. The Austronesian people are those who migrated at large extent. They were basically from Taiwan. They lived in Taiwan around 3000 BCE. Later they migrated across the Indo-Pacific.

Monogamy in Indri

The Indris follow monogamy. Monogamy is living with a single partner through the life. They seek a new partner only after the death of the current partner.


The Indris mature at the age of nine. They bear single infant. The infants are usually born around May or June.


The IUCN (International Union for Conservation Nature) has listed Indri as critically endangered. The population of Indris is declining at faster rates. Their numbers might decrease by 80% in next 40 years (estimated in 2021). So far, no actions have been taken to protect Indris. No Indris have been bred under captivity.


The major threats faced by Indris are habitat destruction and habitat fragmentation. The habitat fragmentation of the Indris limits their mobility. They move around a kilometre in a day. Their habitats are being destroyed for slash and burn agricultural activities, logging and fuelwood.


The Indris live in the Montane forests located on the eastern coast of Madagascar.

Other names

In Malagasy language, the Indris are called Babakoto. Baba means ancestor or father and koto means little boy.

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