India’s Warmest Days in 121 Years

The analysis of the India Meteorological Department (IMD) has shown that India has recorded its warmest March days, on average, in 121 years. The maximum temperature across the nation crossed 1.86°C above normal.


  • This figure was mostly due to large deviations in the northwest and central India’s maximum temperature.
  • In terms of daily temperatures in March since 1901, the northwest region recorded its highest average maximum while the central recorded its second warmest.
  • Heatwaves were also recorded in Northwest and central India in the second half of March.

Reasons for this unusual heat

The primary reasons were the lack of rainfall and consistent hot and dry westerly winds that was blowing into central and northwest India. The skies were also cloudless due to which the Earth was directly exposed to the sun’s rays, thus, pushing the temperatures higher. Also, there was a lack of rainfall due to which this heat increased. Global warming across the globe is also one of the reasons for the record rise in temperature.

Average temperature recorded in the country in March

In March 2022, the average maximum, minimum, and mean temperatures that were recorded were 33.10°C, 20.24°C, and 26.67°C respectively. The normal temperature is considered to be 31.24°C, 18.87°C, and 25.06°C which is based on the averages for the time period of 1981-2010.



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