India’s Per Capita Income

The following chart shows the Per Capita Income of India from 2000-01 to 2011-12.

As per the Economic Survey 2011-12, India’s Per Capita Net National Income (factor cost at current prices) at Rs. 60972 for 2011-12. The per capita income in real terms (at 2004-05 prices) during 2011-12 is likely to attain a level of Rs. 38,005 as compared to the Quick Estimate for the year 2010-11 of Rs. 35,993. The growth rate in per capita income is estimated at 5.6 per cent during 2011-12, as against the previous year’s estimate of 6.4 per cent. The per capita income at current prices during 2011-12 is estimated to be Rs. 60,972 as compared to Rs. 53,331 during 2010-11, showing a rise of 14.3 per cent.

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