India’s GDP at Market Prices
The following graph shows India’s GDP at Market prices and its growth for last few years.
The above graphics shows that GDP at Market Prices has grown steadily despite of the Economic Slowdown of 2008-09 and 2009-10. The growth Rate went down in 2008-09 and came to 12% , which was due to the two shocks in rapid succession: (a) a collapse in world growth, finances, and trade with the onset of the global financial crisis in 2007-09 whose ripple effects continued into 2009-10 and persisted into 2010-11 (with fiscal stresses in Europe). The impact is more prominent in the GDP at Factor Cost. The following Graph shows the growth rate of the GDP at Market Prices of India for last few years.

The data is shown in the following table:

List of Topics : Economic Survey 2010-11
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