India’s future lies in manufacturing with ‘Zero-Defect and Zero-Effect’: PM Narendra Modi

PM Narendra Modi, in his maiden speech from Red Fort, stressed on achieving economic self-reliance, saying the country should strive to become a manufacturing hub for global investors with ‘Zero-defect products and Zero-effect’ on environment.
He invited global investors to make India their manufacturing base and urged the young industrial workforce and entrepreneurs to strive to build the made-in-India brand. He appealed the people world over, “Come, make in India”, “Come, manufacture in India. Sell in any country of the world but manufacture here. We have got skill, talent, discipline, and determination to do something”. The PM called upon the Indian enterprise to think of ways by which the country does not have to import goods, but export to the world.
“Zero Defect, Zero Effect” manufacturing
PM Modi urged entrepreneurs that they would never compromise, at least on two fronts. First, Zero defect and, second, Zero effect.  He suggested that Indian goods should be manufactured in such a way that they bear zero defects and that our exported goods are never returned to us. The goods should also have zero effect that they should not have a negative impact on the environment.


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