India’s first remote Health Monitoring System set up in Rishikesh

The All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in Rishikesh along with BHEL (Bharat Heavy Electronics Limited) has set up India’s first remote health monitoring system. The system is to be widely used in the state of Uttarakhand to monitor COVID-19 patients


The remote health monitoring system allows the doctors at AIIMS to monitor body temperature and oxygen of patients remotely. A website and mobile application were also built as a part of the system. The patients can use these resources and inform doctors about their illness sitting at home. The system also provides monitoring kits to patients when they are suspected of COVID-19.


The kits delivered for home monitoring will issue alerts if the patients need to be admitted in the hospital. The mobile application launched will also help locate the regions in the state where the disease is spreading.

The system is the first remote sensing monitoring system set up in India. The system is currently being used in other parts of the world to monitor patients undergoing hemodialysis.


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