India’s First Geo Park

The first geological park of India will be built in Lamheta, Jabalpur in Madhya Pradesh.

Key Points

  • Approval for the park was given by Geological Survey of India, under ministry of mining.
  • Park will be constructed with an investment of Rs 35 crores, over five-acre land.

Why will park be built in Lamheta?

The geological park will be built in Lamheta, because this place is among significant places in world, from geological point of view. In 1928, William Henry Sleeman had discovered Dinosaur fossil from this area. UNESCO has also recognised Lamheta as geo heritage site.

What is geopark?

Geopark is a unified area, which advances the protection and use of geological heritage in sustainable manner. It also promotes the economic well-being of the people living there.

The Lameta Formation

Lameta Formation is also called as Infratrappean Beds. It is a sedimentary geological formation found in Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Gujarat. It is associated with the Deccan Traps. It is of Maastrichtian age and is known for dinosaur fossils.

Geological Survey of India (GSI)

GSI was founded in 1851. It is a scientific agency of India, working under ministry of Mines organisation. It is one of the oldest organisations worldwide and the second oldest survey organisation in India, following Survey of India. The Survey of India was founded in 1767.  It was set to conduct geological surveys and studies of India. It also acts as prime provider of basic earth science information to general public, industry and government besides official participant in coal, steel, cement, metals, power industries and international geoscientific forums.



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