Indian Version of Russian T-90 is Out

Yesterday (August 24, 2009) , India’s Indigeneously built Russian Ten T-90 tank called Bhishma have rolled out from the Heavy Vehicles Factory (HVF) at Avadi near Chennai. This is the first lot of locally built Russian T-90 .
About T-90:
  1. The indigenous production of bhishma is a milestone in the history of Indian Defense.
  2. India imports them from Russia in semi- and fully knocked down condition, assembles them here.
  3. The cost of each tank is around Rs. 14 crore and every year around 100 tanks will roll out.
  4. T-90 tank is already in operational service with the army and is currently the country’s main battle tank (MBT).
  5. They are built under licensed technology from Russia.
  6. Bhishma will be inducted into the Army’s strike corps armoured regiments in Rajasthan and Punjab sectors.
  7. India has plans to operate a large fleet of 1,600 T-90 tanks.

Some more Points:

  1. Vijayanta, T-55 & T-72 are other tanks of Indian Army.
  2. The T-90 is an upgraded version of the T-72 tank with missile-firing & Night Vision capability.
  3. An Agreement between Ministry of Defence and the State Cooperation Rosvoorouzhenie of the Russian Federation on the purchase of T-90 tanks by India was signed in 2001 as per this agreement India had to purchase 310 T-90 tanks.
  4. The T-90M features the ‘Kaktus’ embedded explosive reactive armour (ERA) package on its frontal hull and turret-top (the T-90S has ‘Kontakt-5’ ERA), is fitted with an enhanced environmental control system supplied by Israel’s Kinetics Ltd for providing cooled air to the fighting compartment. It has additional internal volume for housing the cryogenic cooling systems for new-generation thermal imagers like the Catherine-FC thermal imager.

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous

    May 13, 2010 at 3:52 am

    sir my name is Dipanjan i am preparing tiss hr so could u plz post something HR related issues


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