Indian scientists detect endogenous water on the Moon

In a latest development in the field of science, Indian scientists from the Space Applications Centre (SAC) of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) in Ahmedabad have found evidence of water of volcanic origin. Unlike previous findings indicating the presence of water-containing igneous surface, this water has originated from deep within the Moon’s interior.

What are the findings by Indian Scientists?

Indian researchers have detected the endogenous water in the igneous surface on the Moon’s non-polar region. So far, scientists had believed lunar rocks do not contain water and that any water detected in lunar samples was either due to contamination from the Earth or produced by solar wind and other exogenous extra-lunar sources.  However, after analyzing the spectral data of the Compton-Belkovich Volcanic Complex (CBVC) region on the far side of the Moon obtained by the NASA instrument Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3), which was sent aboard the Indian lunar mission Chandrayaan-1, India researchers have detected a significant concentration of the water— 0.55% by weight — which is the highest ever found on the Moon. The geology of CBVC area in the non-polar region of moon is quite different from the polar regions and has also high silica content.

Previous findings by Indian Scientists:

The Indian findings have come after a similar work based on M3 data on the central peak of the volcanic crater Bullialdus, reported by R. Klima and associates recently. The findings observed that presence of water could be of magmatic or volcanic origin as the non-polar Bullialdus crater region is an unfavourable environment for solar wind to produce significant amounts of water on the surface.  Indian researchers have reported the findings relating to a different volcanic region which supports the previous finding.



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