Indian Railways launches RailCloud to optimise server management, resources

The Indian Railways has launched RailCloud, a virtual server with an inbuilt security system that will enable faster connectivity at a reduced cost.  Rail Cloud works on popular Cloud Computing system.
Cloud computing is an emerging technology for faster and on demand commensurate deployment of server resources which results in reduced cost.

Key Facts

RailCloud has been developed by rail PSU RailTel as part of Railways strategic IT initiative, IR—OneICT. It is aimed at optimising server the resources and its management. Its technology enables maximising the usage of available server and storage. It can accommodate bigger data and more applications within same server space.
RailCloud technology will pave the way for swifter deployment of application. Moreover, cloud hardware and environment can provide rigorous testing of the new applications. It subsumes existing infrastructure and resources available with railway for ensuring that expenditure is minimized in acquiring new resources.
RailCloud technology allows server and storage space to scale up and down as per the demand. This makes the system suitable to meet the higher demand at peak hours with less expenditure. It is also equipped with security features as per the latest Government guidelines. Moreover, these features can be updated in one go for all the applications hosted on the cloud.
RailCloud server resources are constantly scaled up or down as per the number of users logged on to the system and it ensures a better user experience. It covers all management related and other services like human resources, signal assets, freight and logistics, health and hospital and energy among others.

Nivaran-Grievance Portal

Nivaran-Grievance Portal was also launched. It is the first IT application on the RailCloud. It serves as a platform for resolution of service-related grievances and of serving and former railway employees. The existing application hosted on a conventional server was migrated on RailCloud. It will save significant revenue and improve user experience at same time.


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