Indian Railways installs Asia’s largest Solid State Interlocking system in West Bengal

Indian Railways has installed Asia’s largest Solid State Interlocking (SSI) system at Kharagpur in West Bengal. The system will enable station masters to set 800 different routes for trains in a matter of minutes.
Interlocking is a railway signal apparatus that prevents conflicting movements of trains through an arrangement of tracks such as junctions or crossings.

Key Facts

The cutting-edge SSI system technology was installed at a cost of Rs 39 crore. It replaces pre-1989 route relay system that only allowed operators to set maximum 423 routes. The new ensures that no cross-movement takes place.
The SSI software also detect routes particular train can take and inform station masters working at panel. This will help in bringing down operation time and possibility of human error. It will reduce the possibility of accidents.
The software is microprocessor-based and suggests possible routes to station master. Under this system, station master only needs to assign platforms depending on importance of the train, number of coaches and other parameters.


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